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Our Shipping 
In general, if the order is from United States, items will be shipped by UPS or USPS in the continental United States, orders from United Kingdom will be shipped by Royal Mail.Items will be shipped to our customers by USPS(USA), Royal Mail(UK), UPS, DHL, EMS,HK Post. We are not responsible for wrong or undeliverable address. For the benefit of you, please make sure that your written shipping address is correct and deliverable.

Shipping Rates 
Our shipping rates include the expenses of shipping, handling and the high quality packaging. Shipping Rates to the whole world would be USD4.99. Fast shipping to the whole world!.
If you want to change your shipping address, please send the new address to this email:support@darlox.com, or mark at the message box on paypal, we will ship the item to the new address.

Delivery To: All around the world
America: US, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Brazil,Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico and so on.
Europe: UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark , Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria,Austria, Iceland , Russia, Hungary, Malta, Lithuania, Czech, Slovakia, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Vatican, San Marino, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Romania, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armeniaand the other European countries. 
Oceania: Australia, New Zealand and so on. 
Africa: South Africa and so on. 
Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Philippine, Oman, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Maldives, Thailand, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Tajikistan and so on.

Delivery Time 
Items will be shipped out in the following business days only after you have confirmed the shipping address. In general, it may take about 5-10 business days for global delivery. For fast delivery, it will take 2-5 business days 
Please take note that some orders go through our fraud prevention department. If your order is selected, you will be notified and your order may be delayed by an additional 3 business days.

Order Tracking 
we allow you to track your order at the click of a mouse. When your shipment is confirmed, you'll receive a tracking number in your confirmation e-mail.


Order Tracking at : http://app3.hongkongpost.com/CGI/mt/enquiry.jsp. or Tracking at http://www.track-trace.com/post, USA Order Tracking at : USA Tracking, UK Order Tracking at : UK tracking, Canada Order Tracking at : Order Tracking 3


Portugal http://www2.ctt.pt/feapl/jsp/pesqobjectos/public/pesqobjectosform.jsf?lang=01

UK http://postcode.royalmail.com/portal/rm/track?catId=500185&mediaId=22700601&keyname=track_home

France http://www.fr.chronopost.com/fr/

Germany http://www.gdsk.de/eng/trackindex.html

Belgium http://www.post.be

Luxemburg http://www.pt.lu/portal/lang/en/Postes

Ireland http://track.anpost.ie/track/trackone.html

Norway http://www.posten.no/en/Customer+service

Switzerland http://www.post.ch/en/post-startseite.htm

Spain http://www.correos.es/ENG/13-MenuRec2/01-MenuRec21/2010_c1-LocalizadorE.asp

Russia http://www.garantpost.ru/

Belarus http://www.belpost.by/info/ems-search-packages-mail/

Denmark http://www.postdanmark.dk/contentfull.dk?lang=en

Finland http://www.posti.fi/english/thepostsservices/itemtracking/

Georgia http://www.ems.ge/index.php?lang=eng&page=1

Poland http://www.pocztex.pl/

Cyprus http://ips.cypruspost.gov.cy/ipswebtrack/

Croatia http://ips.posta.hr//

Slovakia http://tandt.posta.sk/

Malta http://trackandtrace.maltapost.com/TrackAndTrace.asp

Sweden http://www.posten.se/tracktrace/TrackConsignments_do.jsp?lang=GB

Ukraine http://www.emsukraine.com.ua/eng/Baseeng.html

Albanian http://www.postashqiptare.al/kreu.php?gj=en

Armenia http://www.haypost.am/plug-e-emscalc.html

Austria http://www.post.at/tnt_query.php

Azerbaijan http://www.azems.az/en/index_en.htm

Bulgaria http://services.bgpost.bg/WebTracking/

Turkey http://www.ptt.gov.tr/


U.S.A http://www.usps.com/shipping/trackandconfirm.htm

Canada http://www.canadapost.ca/cpotools/apps/track/personal/findByTrackNumbe

Chile http://www.correos.cl/seguimiento/index.php

Mexico http://www.correosdemexico.gob.mx/servicios/seguimientoems_mexpost/Paginas/default.aspx

Brazil http://www.correios.com.br/servicos/rastreamento/rastreamento.cfm

Peru http://www.serpost.com.pe/

Bahamas http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/

Barbados http://bps.gov.bb/index.php?ZZZ=333_1051

Georgia http://www.ems.ge/index.php?lang=eng&page=1

Asia and Oceania

China http://www.ems.com.cn/

HongKong http://sc.hongkongpost.com/gb/app3.hongkongpost.com/CGI/mt/c_enquiry.jsp

Taiwan http://www.post.gov.tw/post/index.jsp

Japan http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/ems/index_en.html

Korea http://service.epost.go.kr/iservice/ems/ems_eng.jsp

Thailand http://track.thailandpost.co.th/trackinternet/Default.aspx

MALAYSIA http://www.pos.com.my/posekspres/mainframe.asp?addr=first1.asp

SINGAPORE http://www.speedpost.com.sg/TrackAndTrace.asp

Australia http://ice.auspost.com.au/

New Zealand http://www.nzpost.co.nz/Cultures/en-NZ/OnlineTools/TrackAndTrace/

Iceland http://www.postur.is/english/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-69

Israel http://www.israelpost.co.il/postshirut.nsf/misparidE/400?opendocument&L=EN

Iran http://tntsearch.post.ir/searchPage.aspx

Qatar http://www.imolink.net/qpost/ttchmail/tracktrace.htm

Vietnam http://www.ems.com.vn/

India http://www.indiapost.gov.in/_Track/Track.html

Indonesia http://ems.posindonesia.co.id/

Pakistan http://www.ep.gov.pk/

Afghanistan http://afghanpost.gov.af/track/

United Arab Emirates http://www.emiratespost.com/

Bangladesh http://www.bangladeshpost.gov.bd/track.asp

Bhutan http://www.bhutanpost.com.bt/index.php?id=124

Yemen http://www.post.ye/


Nigeria http://www.emsng.com/

Algeria http://www.poste.dz/

Bolivia http://www.correosbolivia.com/correos/buscar.php

Botswana http://www.botspost.co.bw/bp_services_business.htm#ems

Zimbabwe http://www.zimpost.co.zw/ips.html

Uganda http://www.ugapost.co.ug/track_trace.htm

Tunisia http://www.poste.tn/

Shipping charges are non-refundable unless we shipped incorrect item(s). Undeliverable or refused orders, due to incorrect address and/or absence etc., will be refunded in the original form of payment, less the applicable shipping charges. Occasionally, there can be an instance when a product is back-ordered and not available for immediate shipment. In such a situation, we will immediately inform you of the nature of delay and the estimated date of availability of the item(s). The communication with you will be done either by MSN or by e-mail. We will send you the available items and keep the remaining order on a "back-order" status and ship them as soon as they become available. As a result, occasionally, you will receive multiple shipments for one order.